Once your new website is live, we work away behind the scenes to keep it fully functional, but inevitably you’ll have a change request that you can’t action yourself.
All you need to do is email support@creativeq.co.nz 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
- In the subject line use the website name and summary of the issue
- In the email include a numbered list of issues, complete with screenshots
- Short video clips can also be useful using free screen recording software such as screencast-o-matic.com
- For urgent requests (eg website outage), both email and txt to 021 128 5046 (Sheldon’s mobile)
- Our systems automatically detect most outages but it can be helpful to get your report on what you are experiencing
- If your change request will take longer than your free entitlement for the month, we will provide an estimated cost for these changes, and once accepted, these tasks will be completed